With my husband Kanda, we founded the organizatiin One Love in 2013.
I had the opportunity to do many things: project management, communication, treasury, secretarial work, events... When you start and organize a structure from scratch, it requires a lot of commitment: you have to multitask! Then you can also innovate, create, have fun! But I particularly appreciate the relational aspect: discerning the talents of others and encourage them to develop them.

Since the creation of One Love, beyond the actions and the construction of the projects that are close to our hearts, I have learned a lot about putting myself in the place of others, understanding the other. Very often it is easy to impose an idea, and I can be quite stubborn at times, but being surrounded by different personalities and characters enriches me and pushes me to love, understand and encourage. So, I have to question myself a lot, but with a team that pushes me to be and do better and especially the One who created all this and all of us: God.

I love working for a cause that has meaning for me, that asks me to give and help. Seeing the smile on a faces transformed by love makes me happy.

My hobbies: I love to eat, laugh, spend time with my friends and experience things with God.