Innovative pedagogy for quality education

The goals

We believe that every child in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) should have access to a quality education that will give them the opportunity to achieve their dreams and participate in the development of their country.

Our mission will be to build a pilot school offering an innovative pedagogy within the One Love Home Base in Kasangulu. This school aims to become a reference for schools in the DRC and to create a model that can be reproduced in the rest of the country.

Our three main objectives are, in relation to the problems observed during our field studies :

  • The construction of a new nursery and elementary school to overcome the drawbacks of infrastructure. This phase should be done progressively.
  • The implementation of a training program to improve the efficiency of teachers.
  • La mise en place d’un système de liaison avec les parents pour renforcer leur intégration dans le parcours de leurs enfants.

The latest news

Following the soil study carried out on the land purchased in Kasangulu, 30 minutes from Kinshasa, we are currently working with an architect that accompanies us in the plans and further construction of the One Love Home Base beginning with the school.


View from our land in Kasangulu

Project Managers

Marie-Anne GOURY

You want to support us ?

Rien de plus simple ! Vous pouvez nous faire un don pour participer aux frais de construction de l’école et atteindre notre objectif en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous. Et si vous avez à coeur de nous faire un don en nature, mettre à disposition vos compétences ou tout autre chose, n’hésitez pas à contacter un des responsables.

Thank you for your trust !